Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Where are the men?

I'm posting these photographs by section (or sector) as laid out by Antoni Dudo, the photographer. There are pathways through the cemetery that separate the sections and appear to have been laid out by the planners of the cemetery. Sectors 1 through 6, running along the northwest wall of the cemetery, were reserved for women. The next row of sectors (7-12) was reserved for men. Like in shul.

I have 25 or so more to post in Sector 5, then probably another hundred or so in Sector 6, all women. Then it's on to the men for a while!

Enjoy the website! And don't forget to translate a stone or two for those of us who can't work through much Hebrew. If you click on the "comments" link below each picture, you can add your translation or other comments to the website.

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